Chave Móvel Digital Multiple XSS Vulnerabilities

Reading time ~3 minutes


In this blog post, I will be exploring the Reflected Cross-Site-Scripting (XSS) vulnerability present in the Portuguese government’s authentication system’s website

The XSS vulnerability is present in the Chave Móvel Digital (CMD) login page.

The XSS Vulnerability

At the moment of writing this post, there are 3 ways that you can authenticate yourself:

  • the second-factor code is sent to your mobile phone number
  • the second-factor code is sent to your e-mail
  • the second-factor code is sent to your as a private Twitter message
Figure 1: Chave Movel Digital Authentication Options
Chave Movel Digital Authentication Options

I’m going to choose the phone number authentication method, since this is the only one that’s required. The other two are not activated by default. The XSS vulnerability seems to only work on the mobile phone number and Twitter authentication methods. E-mail authentication seems to be doing input sanitization correctly. There are two separate places where you can login: the “Personal Area”, which only allows mobile phone number login, and the regular one, which allows the 3 authentication methods described above. The XSS vulnerability works in both places.

This is how the main login page looks like:

Figure 2: Digital Mobile Key login page
Digital Mobile Key login page

To login to the portal, you need to enter your mobile phone number and a numeric PIN. The Mobile phone number field is the one that will be used to exploit the XSS vulnerability. Throughout this section I will be using 1234 as the PIN number.

Now let’s see what happens when I try to enter a phone number that consists only of letters (Hello, World"):

Figure 3: Digital Mobile Key login page
Digital Mobile Key login page

And now let’s click on “Authenticate”:

Figure 4: User input gets copied without validation
User input gets copied without validation

Even though the page says The phone field only allows numbers, at the bottom, it still copies the input that I provided verbatim to the same field. At this point I was pretty sure that the page is vulnerable to XSS. So I looked at the source code to see how it can be exploited:

Figure 5: The input is copied to the value attribute
The input is copied to the value attribute

Okay, so the input is you provided initially is copied to the value attribute of the inputMobile element. So let’s try to show a very simple XSS that would inject a new span element into the page and would comment out some of the HTML. For this, in the Mobile phone number field, we’ll input the following text: " <span> Hello, World </span> <!--.

Figure 1: A simple XSS input
A simple XSS input

And here is the result:

Figure 6: Successful result of an XSS injection
Successful result of an XSS injection

As you can see, our custom HTMLwas successfully injected into the page. The rest of the page wasn’t commented out only because there is another closing HTML comment tag (-->) present in the page’s source.

Figure 1: Resulting HTML from the XSS attack
Resulting HTML from the XSS attack

Below is a video demonstration of how this vulnerability can be exploited to inject arbitrary JavaScript code into the page.

Whenever the text in the “Mobile phone number” field is changed, the ShowPrint() function is called. The only thing that it does is copies the value from the inputMobile element to the MainContent_hiddenMobile attribute:

function ShowPrint() {
            var mobileValue = document.getElementById("inputMobile").value;
            document.getElementById("MainContent_hiddenMobile").value = mobileValue;
            return true;

Why this is done is not obvious, since both of the fields get POSTed to the the backend when you click on “Authenticate”:

Figure 1: Both of the attribute values get sent
Both of the attribute values get sent

However, if we manually change the value of the MainContent_hiddenMobile field to Hello, Reader and leave Hello, World in the inputMobile field, we can see that the value that that’s placed in the “Mobile phone number” box in the failed login page is the one from MainContent_hiddenMobile.

Figure 7: Manually changing the value of the hidden input
Manually changing the value of the hidden input
Figure 8: The hidden input value is the one that gets echoed back
The hidden input value is the one that gets echoed back


In this blog post I showed you the POST XSS vulnerability present in the Portuguese government’s Chave Móvel Digital login page.

In the next blog post I will show you how you can find out if a mobile phone number is registered with Chave Móvel Digital or not, making the existing ambiguous “Either the mobile number or the PIN are incorrect” message useless and opening the door for various social engineering attacks.

Chave Móvel Digital's Log Out Button Does Not Log The User Out

The Log Out button in the Portuguese government's authentication system does not log the user out. This opens a window to unauthorized account access. Continue reading