My first encounter with Python was a part of the introductory course to programming. Well, I actually played with it on my own before, so I already was familiar with its syntax when the course began, but I didn’t do any real project in it before that course. Even though I thought it’s a great language to introduce people to programming, I wasn’t a big fan of it. It’s not that I disliked the language, it was more of a “meh” attitude.
The reason was simple: there was “too much magic”. Coming from a background of languages such as C an Java, which are a lot more explicit in terms of what’s going on under the hood, Python was the complete opposite of that.
Another issue was that Python seemed a lot less structured: writing large, complex programs seemed to be a tougher task to achieve than, for example in Java, where you have some strict rules
when it comes to the structure of the program (for instance the one public class per file rule), Python on the other hand,
gives you a lot more freedom in such things.
Another thing is strict typing and debugging: since Python is an interpreted language, finding bugs
wasn’t as easy: if you have a syntax error in C, the program will simply not compile, on the other hand, in interpreted languages, the problem might go unnoticed for quite some time, until the execution reaches that particular line of code. Trying to pass a string where an integer is
expected? cc will go crazy at you, while Python’s interpreter won’t mind at all (there are some tool that address that problem though, like
mypy, but I’m talking about vanilla Python). What I just mentioned here is a general downside of interpreted languages
and are not exclusive or particular to Python, but those were some of the main reasons of my initial attitude towards it.
One more thing that I found a little annoying is the required indentation. Our teachers (that were great, by the way!) sold that as being a “good thing”, since
“it forced us to a cleaner code writing style”. And that is true, but it was a bit annoying, when your code doesn’t work as expected, you
analyze the code trying to hunt the bug and can’t seem to find it, until after some time you notice that one of the lines in your if statement
has an extra space.
I had a discussion with a colleague about Python, telling him how I’m not sure why I wasn’t a huge fan of the language before, he asked me with a laughing tone “What’s not to like about Python? The fact that it reads almost like English?”. The answer to that question is “yes”. Since the
language does so many things for you under the hood, sometimes it’s not clear what’s happening. Let’s take as an example file reading. Suppose you
want to read the contents of a file and print them out, line by line.
Here’s how you could do it in C:
#include <stdio>
intmain(void){FILE*fp;charbuff[256];// assuming a line won't contain more than 256 chars
Now the same thing in Python:
Now, many people will consider that as an advantage, however, while in the first case it’s pretty clear what’s happening:
We obtain a file pointer to a file
Read the bytes from each line into a buffer, and then print that line from that same buffer
Close the stream
In the Python’s example none of that is obvious, it just sort of “magically” works. Now, while one might argue that it’s a good thing, since it abstracts
the programmer away from the implementation details (and I agree with that), I like to know exactly what’s happening.
It’s interesting that many of the things that I mentioned as disadvantages, I now consider advantages. To be fair, there is no “magic” in Python,
if you dive in a little deeper, you’ll find out that there is no actual magic involved, it’s just the way the language interprets your code, and
from that perspective, I find it fascinating. If you share the same feelings, I suggest you to investigate further about how the language works,
if something seems like “magic”, find out what’s actually happening, things will become a lot clearer and that “magic” will turn into “convenience”.
My opinion on those points has changed a lot, specially after I decided to give the language another go, in fact I’m now a big fan of Python!
Now you might be wondering where I’m going to try to convince you that learning Python is a good idea, don’t worry that part is coming next.
As a closing point to the introduction, I want to mention that this was my personal feeling towards the language, was just a personal preference. I didn’t try to convince people that they should learn C, because if you’re programming in Python “you’re not a real programmer” (in fact,
I don’t believe in that). When people asked me which language they should learn as their first, I usually suggested Python, for many of the reasons that I mentioned above as “disadvantages”. My feelings were mostly based on my personal interests, I was doing some more low-level stuff at the time, so as you might imagine, Python didn’t fit in that picture.
Python: The Good Parts
After jacking the title for this section from a popular (and great) JavaScript book, it’s time to begin the topic of this blog post: why you
(yes, you!) should learn Python.
1. Universal Scripting Language
This was one of the main reasons why I decided to give Python a second go. I was working on various projects with various people,
naturally different people used different operating systems. In my case, I was usually switching between Windows and Linux. To give a
concrete example, on one of the projects I wrote a script that automated testing in a project, only to realize that I was the
only one who was taking advantage of it, since it was written in PowerShell and I was the only one using Windows. Now there was
natural “bash is so much better” from my colleagues, while I tried to explain them that PowerShell followed a completely different paradigm and that it had its strong points (for example, it exposes the .NET framework interface),
it’s an Object-Oriented scripting language, quite different from bash. Now I’m not going to discuss which one is better, since that’s not the focus of this post.
So how could this problem solved? Hmmm… now, is there a language that is script-friendly and runs on all major operating systems? You’ve
guessed it, that language is Python. Besides running on all major operating systems, it also includes functionality useful for scripting out of the box.
The standard library includes a handful of utilities that provide a common interface for operating system dependent functionality.
To provide a simple and straightforward example, let’s assume that you wanted to get a list of names of all files in a directory and then do
something with those names. In UNIX, you’d have something like:
for f in*; do echo"Processing $f file..."; done
While in PowerShell, you’d go with something similar to:
Now, besides running on Linux, MacOSX and Windows, in my opinion, it’s also more readable. The example above is a very simple script,
for more complex examples the difference in readability is even more obvious.
As I mentioned earlier, Python comes with great libraries out of the box, for the purpose of replacing shell scripting, the ones that you’ll find the most useful are:
os - provides OS independent functionality, like working with paths and reading/writing files.
subprocess - to spawn new processes and interact with their input/output streams and return codes.
You can use this to launch programs already installed on your system, but note that this might not be the best option if you’re worried about the portablity of your script.
shutil - offers high-level operations on files and collections of files.
argparse - parsing command-line arguments and building command-line interfaces
Alright, let’s say you get the point, cross-platformness (is that even a real word?) and readability sounds great, but you really like the UNIX-like shell syntax.
Good news, you can have the best of the both worlds! Check out Plumbum, it’s a Python module (more on that topic later on),
whose motto is “Never write shell scripts again”. What it does is mimics the shell syntax, while keeping it cross-platform.
You Don’t Have To Ditch Shell Scripting Altogether
While it’s possible to completely substitute shell scripts with Python, you don’t have to, since Python scripts naturally fit into the command chaining philosophy of UNIX, all you have
to do is make them read from sys.stdin (standard input) and write to sys.stdout (standard output). Let’s look at an example. Let’s say that you a have file with each line
containing a word and you want to know which words appear in the file and how many times. This time we don’t want to go “all Python”, we’re actually going to chain the cat
command with our Python script, which we’ll call
Let’s say we have a file called names.txt with the following content:
This is how our script will be used: $> cat names.txt | And PowerShell folks: $> Get-Content names.txt | python
The expected output is something like (order might vary):
Having the information displayed unordered is not the most readable thing, and you’ll probably want that ordered by the number of occurrences, so let’s do that.
We’ll use the piping mechanism again and offload the job of sorting our output to the built-in commands. To sort our list numerically, in descending order
all we have to is $> cat names.txt | | sort -rn. And if you’re using PowerShell: $> Get-Content names.txt | python | Sort-Object { [int]$_.split()[-1] } -Descending
(you can almost hear the UNIX folks complain about how verbose the PowerShell version is).
This time our output is deterministic and we’ll get:
cat 3
dog 2
bird 1
mouse 1
(As a side-note, if you’re using PowerShell, cat is an alias for Get-Content and sort is an alias for Sort-Object, so the commands above can be also written as:
$> cat names.txt | python and $> Get-Content names.txt | python | sort { [int]$_.split()[-1] } -Descending)
Hopefully I have convinced you that Python might be a good substitute at least for some of your scripts and that you don’t have to ditch shell scripting altogether, since you
can incorporate Python scripts into your existing workflow and toolbox, with the added benefits of it being cross-platform, more readable and having a rich library collection
at your disposal (more on that later on).
2. A Lot Of Great Libraries
Python has a very rich library collection. I mean, there is a library for almost anything (fun fact: if you type import antigravity in your Python interpreter, it opens a new browser window which leads you to that xkdc comic, now how awesome is that?). I’m not a big fan of programming just by “stacking one library onto another”, but you don’t have to. Just because there are a lot of libraries, doesn’t mean that you have to use them all. While I don’t like to just stack libraries one onto another (which looks more like CBSE) I obviously recognize their use and do use them.
For example, I decided to play around with Markov Chains, so I came up with an idea for a project: grab all of the lyrics from an artist, build a Markov Chain with that and then generate songs from them. The idea is that the generated songs should reflect the artists style. So I hacked around with that project for a bit, and the result was lyricst (this is more like a proof of concept than a complete, fully tested project, as I said, I just hacked around for a bit, so don’t go to hard on it. It does include a command line-interface and some documentation with examples, if you want to play around). I decided that a great place to get lyrics form would be RAPGenius, since it’s actively used and usually up to date).
So to get all of the artists lyrics, I would have to scrape them from the website and work with HTML. Luckily, Python is great for web scraping and has great libraries like BeautifulSoup to work with HTML. So this is what I did, used BeautifulSoup to get all of the info from the page I needed (which was basically the song lyrics) and then use that info to build MarkovChains. Of course I could’ve used regular expressions or built my own HTML parser, but the existence of such libraries allowed me to concentrate on what was the real goal for this project: play around with Markov Chains, while also making it more interesting, then let’s say, just reading some text from files.
3. Great For Pentesting
If you’re into penetration testing or simply like to hack around with stems, Python is your friend! The fact that Python comes pre-installed on almost any Linux and MAC OS machine, has a rich library
collection, very comprehensive syntax and is a scripting language, makes it a great language for that purpose.
Another reason why I decided to give Python a second go (besides the one mentioned in previous section) is that I’m interested in security and Python seemed like
a perfect choice for pentesting. One of my first encounters in that world was Scapy (or Scapy3k, for Python3) and tell you what, I was impressed. Scapy is used for network packet creation, capture and manipulation. It has a straightforward API and great documentation. You can easily create packets on various layers (I’m talking about the OSI
model) or capture them for analysis and modification. You can even export the .pcap files and open them in WireShark. It doesn’t stop at network packet capture though,
there is a wide array of great libraries for that purpose, but I’m not going to cover them here, since that is not the topic of this post and it deserves a post just for itself.
Some of you might say, “Oh, that’s great, but I’m interested in exploiting Windows machines, and those don’t come with Python pre-installed”. No worries, you can always compile your Python
script to a standalone .exe, using py2exe. The executables can get a little big (depending from the number of libraries you’re using in your script), but usually it’s nothing major.
If you’re intrigued, however, check out this list of Python pentesting tools. At the end of this post I also include some book recommendations.
4. A Hacker’s Language
Python is a very malleable language. You can customize the way it works in many ways. From altering the way imports work to messing with classes before they are created. Those are just some of the examples. This also makes it very powerful scripting language (as mentioned in section 1) and great for pentesting (section 3), since it gives you a lot of freedom with your scripts.
I won’t go deep into those topics, but I will describe the “WOW” moment that I had with this. So, I was doing some webscraping (Python is great for this task!), and one of the tools I used was BeautifulSoup. This was one of my “learning Python” projects. BeautifulSoup’s syntax for working with HTML is very clean and intuitive and one of the reasons for that is the fact that Python gives you a lot of freedom when it comes to customizing its behavior). After playing a bit with the API, I noticed that there was some “magic”. The situation was similar
to this one:
What the code above does is creates a BeautifulSoup instance from the string passed as the first argument. The second argument just tells that I want to use the Python’s built-in HTML parser (BeautifulSoup
can work with various parsers). soup.p returns a Tag (bs4.element.Tag) object, which represents the <p> tag
passed as the first argument.
The output of the code above is:
<p class="someclass">Hello</p>
Now you might wondering, “where’s the magic part you were talking about”? Well, this part comes up next. The thing is that the code above can be adapted to any tag, even the custom ones. This means
that the code below works just fine:
When I realized that that works just fine, I was like “whaaaaa?”. Now, the first example can be easily implemented, I mean the most straightforward way is just to define an attribute (instance variable) for every possible HTML tag, and then during parsing assign values different from None to them, in case those elements are found. But this explanation does not work for the second example, there is no way that could’ve been done for all possible string combinations. I wanted to know what was going on and how it was working, so I cracked open BeautifulSoups source code and started digging.
It’s probably no surprise that I didn’t find any attributes named p and the parsing functions didn’t assign values to them. After some googling, I found what was going on: magic methods. What are
magic methods and why they are called like that? Well, informally, magic methods are methods that give the “magic” to your classes. Those methods are always surrounded by double underscores (for example
__init__()). They are described in the DataModel model section) in Python docs.
The specific magic method that allows BeautifulSoup to have this functionality
is __getattr__(self, name)__ (self in Python refers the object instance,
similar to this in Java). If we go to the docs, here’s what we’ll find in
the first paragraph:
Called when an attribute lookup has not found the attribute in the usual
places (i.e. it is not an instance attribute nor is it found in the class
tree for self). name is the attribute name. This method should return
the (computed) attribute value or raise an AttributeError exception.
So what happens is that if you try to access an attribute that does not exist
__getattr__(self, name) of that object will be called, with name being
the name of the attribute you tried to access as a string.
Let me show you an example. So let’s say you have a Person class with a
first_name attribute. Let’s give the users of our API the ability
to access the same value using name. Here’s how our class will look like:
classPerson(object):def__init__(self,first_name):self.first_name=first_namedef__getattr__(self,name):if(name=='name'):returnself.first_nameraiseAttributeError('Person object has no attribute \'{}\''.format(name))
Let’s play a little with the class above in the interactive console:
person = Person('Jason')
>>> person.first_name
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
File "<stdin>", line 7, in __getattr__
AttributeError: Person object has no attribute 'abc'
This means that we can just “make-up” object attributes on the fly,
isn’t that awesome? So you can make your Dog secretly be able to
“meow” as well, besides barking:
classDog(object):defbark(self):print('Ruff, ruff!')def__getattr__(self,name):if(name=='meow'):returnlambda:print('Meeeeeeow')raiseAttributeError('I don\'t know what you\'re talking about...')
You can also add attributes on the fly, without reflection. object.__dict__ is a
containing the the object’s attributes and their values (note that I said
object.dict, object is an object instance, there is also a class.dict, which is a dictionary of the classes attributes).
At this point you might be thinking, this is all great, but how is this useful?
The answer is simple: magical APIs. Have you ever used some Python library
that just feels like magic? This is one of the things that allows them to be so
“magical”. It’s not really magic though, once you understand what’s happening behind the scenes.
If you’re interested more in that topic, check out the Description Protocol page in the docs.
The Object-Oriented Aspect
The object-oriented aspect of Python might seem a little “hacked in”. For example, there are no private instance variables or methods
in classes. So if you want to make an instance variable or a method private in a class, you’ll have to stick to conventions:
using one leading underscore (_) for non-public instance variables and methods
using two leading underscores (__) for instance variables and methods will mangle their name
Let’s explore an example, suppose you have the following class:
>>> foo = Foo()
>>> foo.public
>>> foo._private
>>> foo.__secret
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
AttributeError: 'Foo' object has no attribute '__secret'
As you can see, nothing is stopping you from accessing the _private instance variable, but what
happened in the last case? Does that mean variables starting with __ are really private?
The answer is no, their name is just mangled. In essence, instead of being called __secret,
its name has been changed to _Foo__secret by Mr.Python himself.
You can still access it, if you really want to:
>>> foo._Foo__secret
However, PEP8 suggests to only use leading double underscores to avoid name conflicts
with attributes in classes designed to be subclassed. “PEP”, stands for “Python Enhancement Proposal”,
it’s used for describing Python features or processes. If you want a new feature to be added to the
language, you create a PEP, so the whole community can see it and discuss it. You can
read more about PEPs here. And yes, the description
of what a PEP is a PEP itself, how Meta is that?
As you can see, Python puts a lot of trust in the programmers.
I won’t go much further into the OO topic here, since again, that deserves a post (or even a series of them) just for itself.
I do want to give you a heads up that it might get some getting used to, it might not seem as “natural”
as it is in languages like Java, but you know what, it’s just a different way of doing things.
As another example, you don’t have abstract classes, you have to use decorators to achieve that
Hopefully this post gave you some insight into why you should consider giving Python a go.
This post is coming from someone who feels “guilty” for talking not so good about Python in
the past and is now all over the hype train. In my defense, it was just a “personal preference thing”,
when people asked me about which language they should learn first, for instance, I usually suggested
If you’re still undecided, just give it a go! Try it out for an hour or two, read some more stuff
about it. If you like learning from a book, I also got you covered, check out Fluent Python
The section right below has some more.
Book Recommendations
As promised, here comes the book recommendation section. I will keep this one short, only
putting books that I’ve read/had experience with myself.
Fluent Python - GREAT book about
Python 3. Whether you are a novice, intermediate or an experienced Python programmer. Covers the ins
and outs of the language.
Web Scraping With Python - the title says it all, it’s a book about webscraping with Python. You’ll explore how you can scrape the web for content,
parse HTML and much more. I would say this book is good for novice and possibly intermediate people in webscraping area. Even if you’ve never used Python before, you can still follow along. It does not
go into any advanced topics.
Black Hat Python - oh this one’s fun! You’ll build
reverse SSH shells, trojans and much more! If you want to know how Python can be used in pentesting,
make sure you check this out. Please note that this book contains Python 2 code, I do have a repo, however, that uses Python 3.
As per jyf1987’s suggestion,
here is a version using collections.defaultdict: using defaultdict.
I’m keeping the original one in the post, because the goal was to be more explicit, so that people new to Python would have less trouble understanding it.
This blog post is a collection of notes on some more common design patterns.
Each design pattern is explained in simple terms and includes an example.
This is written mainly for beginners, but it’s also useful if you need to
refreshen your understanding of a certain design pattern. I highly suggest you
to further explore each pattern covered here, since this post’s goal is to simply
give you an overview of them. I’ve included some additional sources at the end of
the post.
I’ve written this mainly because it’s not always easy to understand what a pattern
is about in its essence, since many of the explanations out there are either
domain-specific or include examples that are somewhat complex. In my opinion, it’s
a lot easier to to understand them once you have a general idea of what the pattern
does. This is why I’ve used somewhat “childish” examples here: those should help
you concentrate on the pattern and not the domain details.
All of the code examples are in Java, but only the basic syntax is used, so if you’re
coming from a language like C# or have basic Java knowledge, you should have not problems
in understanding this post. Even though a specific programming language is used here,
the concepts are domain-independent and can be applied to other languages.
The default access modifiers for member variables are used, to make the code interpretation
more accessible to beginners.
Design Patterns
The Singleton Pattern ensures that there is only one instance of the class
and provides a global point to access that instance.
Java’s implementation of Singleton makes use of a private constructor
(to make sure that no one in the application can call the new Singleton(),
thus possibly creating more than one instance of the class) and a static
method, combined with a static variable (to make sure that there is
only one instance of the class in the application, instead of calling
“new”, we ask the class itself to provide an instance and since we never
directly instantiate it, the method has to be static). The class itself will
be responsible for keeping track of its sole instance.
Below is an example implementation in Java. This version uses lazy initialization
(the instance of the class isn’t created until it’s first requested via the
getInstance() method).
The Command Pattern encapsulates a request as an object, thereby letting you
parameterize other objects (the client) with different requests, queue or log
requests, and support undoable operations.
encapsulates a request by binding together a set of actions on a specific
reciever. To achieve this, the actions and the reciever are packaged
into one single object that only exposes one method: execute() (it can also
have other like undo(), etc). An object from outside doesn’t know what
actions will be performed, all it knows is that if they call execute()
their request will be serviced.
parameterize other objects with a command, in a sense that any command
object can be passed to the client. The client doesn’t know (or care) what the
command is, all it does is call the execute() method.
the Command Pattern makes it easy to implement queue, log and undo operations
The key in this pattern is an abstract Command class (or an interface), which
declares an interface for executing operations. In its most simple form,
this interface has an execute() method. A concrete command then has an
instance variable of the receiver, whose methods are called in the execute().
The command itself doesn’t perform any complex operations, those have to be
done by the receiver, and that’s what happens in the execute() method,
receiver’s methods get called.
Let’s say you have a remote control that controls the volume and the on/off state
of your awesome sound system. For simplicity, let’s assume that your remote
control is actually a single button, which you can reprogram to do different actions
(like volume up, volume down, on and off).
The first thing to do is to create the Command interface, which in this
version, will contain the minimum (i.e. only the execute() method).
Next step will be to create four command classes (TurnOnCommand, TurnOffCommand,
VolumeUpCommand and VolumeDownCommand). Each of those classes will have a
reference to the receiver (in this case, the sound system), the execute()
method and a constructor.
Now, just to demonstrate how the Command Pattern will be used, there will also
be a button, which will have a referece to the command, a method to activate the
command (press()) and a setCommand() method, so that different commands
can be assigned to the same button.
publicclassSoundSystem{intsoundLevel;intstate;// 0:off 1:onpublicSoundSystem(){soundLevel=0;state=0;}publicvoidvolumeUp(){soundLevel++;System.out.println("Sound is at "+soundLevel);}publicvoidvolumeDown(){soundLevel--;System.out.println("Sound is at "+soundLevel);}publicvoidturnOn(){state=1;System.out.println("ON!");}publicvoidturnOff(){state=0;System.out.println("OFF!");}}
And just to show an example of usage, consider the main class below.
publicclassButtonTest{publicstaticvoidmain(String[]args){SoundSystemsoundSystem=newSoundSystem();Buttonbutton=newButton();// Create some commandsCommandturnOnCommand=newTurnOnCommand(soundSystem);CommandturnOffCommand=newTurnOffCommand(soundSystem);CommandvolumeUpCommand=newVolumeUpCommand(soundSystem);CommandvolumeDownCommand=newVolumeDownCommand(soundSystem);// Assign an action to the buttonbutton.setCommand(turnOnCommand);;// Change the button's actionbutton.setCommand(volumeUpCommand);;;;button.setCommand(volumeDownCommand);;// Turn off after usage to save electric energy!button.setCommand(turnOffCommand);;}}
Which produces the following output:
Sound is at 1
Sound is at 2
Sound is at 3
Sound is at 2
Note that the command invoker doesn’t know what the command is doing or how it’s,
doing it, all it knows is that it has an execute() method. Also note that
the execute() is doing very little himself, the main work is done my the
receiver through some method.
Implementing the “Undo” Operation
In its simplest form, the undo operation is pretty straight forward.
For example, what would the undo be for the VolumeUpCommand? Well,
if that command increases the volume by 1, then the undo would decrease it
by one. So the VolumeUpCommand would now look something like this:
You could also store all of the commands in a list, for example, and that
would allow you to go through that list, calling undo() on every command
object in there (that would be like a history of actions and you can undo multiple
times, just like pressing Ctrl + Z on your keyboard multiple times will do more
than one undo).
In a similar manner you could also extend the pattern to other functionality,
such as queing or logging.
The Iterator Pattern provides a way to access the elements of an aggregate
object (an object that contains an aggregate of something) sequentially without
exposing its underlying representation.
So let’s say you have an object that contains a collection of items and you
want to iterate through every item. But there is a problem here: let’s say you
know what items you’re accessing, but you don’t know how they are stored,
they might be in an ArrayList, HashMap, LinkedList, etc. Now how can
you abstract the internal implementation (i.e. how the items are stored) away
and have an interface that allows you to access those elements in a consistent
manner, whichever the internal implementation is. The answer is (you’ve guessed it!)
the Iterator Pattern.
So as mentioned before the Iterator Pattern allows you to step through the
elements of an aggregate without knowing how the things are represented under
the hood. It also allows to write polymorphic code that works with any of
the aggregates (it doesn’t matter if it’s an ArrayList, a HashTable or even a
LinkedList, it’s an aggregate, that’s all we care about).
The Iterator Pattern takes the responsibility of traversing the elements and
gives that responsibility to the iterator object, not the aggregate object.
This makes all the sense, since the aggregate object doesn’t have to know how
to iterate through items, all it has to know is how to store and manage them. It
has to know which objects have been traversed already and which ones haven’t.
In its simplest form, the Iterator Pattern consists of an Iterator interface,
which contains two methods:
* next(), which returns the next object in the aggregation that hasn’t been
iterated through yet.
* hasNext() which returns a boolean indicating whether there are more items
to be iterated through.
Let’s say you asked two of your friends to provide a list of their favorite songs.
Your idea is simple: iterate through both of the lists (lists of songs, no one is
talking about Java Lists here) and display the info of each one of the songs
(title and author). You then realized that you didn’t specify the format in which
you want the songs to be sent (ArrayList, HashTable, LinkedList, etc) and you need
to be able to iterate over the lists in a consistent way, without depending on
the type of the aggregation.
You’ll have to create a concrete iterator for every type of the aggregation,
so let’s say one of your friends send the songs in an HashTable and the other
in a LinkedList.
Below is a possible solution using the Iterartor Pattern.
importjava.util.LinkedList;publicclassEastCoastMusic{LinkedList<Song>eastCoastSongs;publicEastCoastMusic(){eastCoastSongs=newLinkedList<Song>();Songs1=newSong("Nas Is Coming","NAS");Songs2=newSong("What Up Gangsta","50 Cent");Songs3=newSong("Warrior","Lloyd Banks");eastCoastSongs.add(s1);eastCoastSongs.add(s2);eastCoastSongs.add(s3);}publicIteratoriterator(){returnnewLinkedListIterator(eastCoastSongs);}}
importjava.util.Hashtable;publicclassWestCoastMusic{Hashtable<Integer,Song>westCoastSongs;intindexKey;publicWestCoastMusic(){westCoastSongs=newHashtable<Integer,Song>();indexKey=0;Songs1=newSong("Still Dre","Dr.Dre");Songs2=newSong("Let's Ride","The Game");Songs3=newSong("What's My Name?","Snoop Dogg");westCoastSongs.put(indexKey++,s1);westCoastSongs.put(indexKey++,s2);westCoastSongs.put(indexKey++,s3);}publicIteratoriterator(){returnnewHashTableIterator(westCoastSongs);}}
importjava.util.Hashtable;publicclassHashTableIteratorimplementsIterator{Hashtable<Integer,Song>songs;intindexKey;// songs are indexed by integerspublicHashTableIterator(Hashtable<Integer,Song>songs){this.songs=songs;indexKey=0;}publicSongnext(){returnsongs.get(indexKey++);}publicbooleanhasNext(){returnsongs.get(indexKey)!=null;}}
publicclassMain{publicstaticvoidmain(Stringargs[]){WestCoastMusicwestCoastMusic=newWestCoastMusic();EastCoastMusiceastCoastMusic=newEastCoastMusic();// First, iterate through the West Coast Music listdisplaySongs(westCoastMusic.iterator());// Now, iterate through the East Coast Music listdisplaySongs(eastCoastMusic.iterator());}publicstaticvoiddisplaySongs(Iteratoriterator){Songsong;while(iterator.hasNext()){song=(Song);System.out.println("Name: "+song.getName()+" Artist: "+song.getArtist()+"\n");}}}
The application above produces the following output:
Name: Still Dre Artist: Dr.Dre
Name: Let's Ride Artist: The Game
Name: What's My Name? Artist: Snoop Dogg
Name: Nas Is Coming Artist: NAS
Name: What Up Gangsta Artist: 50 Cent
Name: Warrior Artist: Lloyd Banks
Note how by using the Iterator pattern we decoupled our application
(in this case just the Main class) from the underlying implementation
of each aggregation.
All we had to do to our friends code is implement the
Iterator interface (which we defined) and add the iterator() method
to their classes. If we didn’t use the pattern, when iterating through the
list of songs in the Main class, we would have to make a separate method
for each aggregation we wanted to traverse.
The Composite pattern allows you treat objects and compositions of objects
uniformly. It allows you to compose objects into tree structures to represent
part-hole-hierarquies (components can be divided into smaller and smaller components).
The idea here is really simple: you have an object A that supports some operations,
then you have another object B that is an aggregation of objects of type A.
The composite pattern allows you treat both of them using the same interface.
Let’s say object A is a sheep and supports the sheer() operation. So to
sheer a single sheep you simply call the sheer method on a sheep object.
Now, object B is a group of sheep. How do you sheer a group of sheep?
Simple, the same way you would sheer an individual sheep: by calling the
sheer method on the object B. Note that the object B can contain sheep
or other objects of the same type(of the type of object B).
So basically, the composite pattern allows us to ignore the differences
between compositions of objects and individual objects.
In this example, we will use the sheep example introduced above. So the idea is
simple: each sheep has a name and the only operation it supports is sheer().
Now, you sheer a sheep by simply calling the sheer() method on it,
but how can you sheer a group of sheep? The same way, by calling the
sheer() method on it. As mentioned before, the goal is to inore
the differences between an individual object and a group of objects, so
we will define an abstract class, which is extended by both: an individual
sheep and a group of sheep (here, it’ll be called SheepComoponent).
This approach will also allow SheepComponents to contain other
importjava.util.ArrayList;publicclassSheepGroupextendsSheepComponent{StringgroupName;ArrayList<SheepComponent>sheepComponents;publicSheepGroup(Stringname){sheepComponents=newArrayList<SheepComponent>();groupName=name;}publicStringgetGroupName(){returngroupName;}@Overridepublicvoidadd(SheepComponentsheepComponent){sheepComponents.add(sheepComponent);}@Overridepublicvoidremove(SheepComponentsheepComponent){sheepComponents.remove(sheepComponent);}@OverridepublicSheepComponentgetComponent(intindex){returnsheepComponents.get(index);}@Overridepublicvoidsheer(){Sheepsheep;intnumOfSheep=sheepComponents.size();System.out.println("Group Name: "+groupName+"\n"+"---"+"\n");// NOTE: The Iterator pattern is more suitable herefor(inti=0;i<numOfSheep;i++){sheepComponents.get(i).sheer();}}}
publicclassMain{publicstaticvoidmain(Stringagrs[]){SheepGroupsg1=newSheepGroup("Sheep Group 1");Sheeps1=newSheep("Sheep 1");Sheeps2=newSheep("Sheep 2");Sheeps3=newSheep("Sheep 3");Sheeps4=newSheep("Sheep 4");Sheeps5=newSheep("Sheep 5");sg1.add(s2);sg1.add(s3);sg1.add(s4);sg1.add(s5);s1.sheer();sg1.sheer();SheepGroupsg2=newSheepGroup("SheepGroup 2");sg2.add(s1);// Now, compose a group of sheep with another group of sheepsg2.add(sg1);Sheeps6=newSheep("Sheep 6");sg2.add(s6);sg2.sheer();}}
The output of the application above is:
Sheering Sheep 1...
Group Name: Sheep Group 1
Sheering Sheep 2...
Sheering Sheep 3...
Sheering Sheep 4...
Sheering Sheep 5...
Group Name: SheepGroup 2
Sheering Sheep 1...
Group Name: Sheep Group 1
Sheering Sheep 2...
Sheering Sheep 3...
Sheering Sheep 4...
Sheering Sheep 5...
Sheering Sheep 6...
The Visitor pattern allows you to add new methods to the classes without
changing them too much. You can add operations to a Composite structure
without changing the structure itself.
Visitor is very useful when you have some unrelated operations that need to
be performed on an object in an object structure and you don’t want to
“pollute” their classes by adding new methods to them to perform those operations.
This pattern allows you to keep related operations together defined in a
separate class. This is very useful when your object structure is shared
by many applications, but only some of those applications actually use those
extra operations, since visitor allows you to put those operations only in the
applications that need them.
So let’s say you have the class code written and now you’re wondering what
changes you’ll have to make to the class for it to support the visitor pattern.
Okay, make sure you have a piece of paper and pen to write them down. Not really,
actually all you have to do is add an accept() method to your class (it’s a
convention to call the method accept(), you can name it whatever you want).
Yes, that’s it! All you have to do for your classes to support the visitor
pattern is add a single method. That’s what we’re basically going to do,
except we’re going to put this method in an Interface, we’ll call it
“Visistable” (this name makes sense, since the class will be visted by
a visitor).
Okay, now how do we create those “visitors”? Simple, first we create another
interface called Visitor (again, this name is just a convention).
And what will that interface contain? It will contain the new operations we
want to add. Now, since we’re putting them in an interface, those operations
have to be related (i.e. be somehow related, belong to the same “group”).
Now you might be wondering what will you do if you had more than just one
group of operations? Well, in that case you would have to add another accept()
method to your Visitable interface (use method overloading).
Let’s say you have a store and your store sells three products: drinks, food and
gadgets. Each of those three objects has a price. Here is how your code looks now:
(Okay, a better choice would be to add an abstract class from which those methods
derive, but I want to enforce the idea that the classes don’t have to be related
in any way).
Now you are asked to be able to calculate taxes for each product(the tax is 21%).
That’s where the visitor comes in. First you’ll create a Visitor interface
and add three visit() methods there. Then you’ll create a new class: a
concrete visitor, which implements the Visitor interface. Then, we’ll create
a Visitable interface and add the accept() method to it, which takes
an object of type Visitor as an argument. The Food, Drink and Gadgets
classes will implement the Visitable interface. Now your code will look
something like this:
Now you are asked to add yet another type of tax: a holiday tax. It’s basically
the same as the previous one, except the tax value is now 18% and you always
subtract two cents (0.02) from the value after tax (here we’ll ignore that you
can get negative or zero values). Well, that’s simple, just create a new class
HolidayTaxVisitor, implement the Visitor interface and add override the
methods with the requested functionality. Your new class will look something like
publicclassMain{publicstaticvoidmain(String[]args){Drinkd=newDrink(1.50);Foodf=newFood(2.75);Gadgetg=newGadget(7.25);NormalTaxVisitorntv=newNormalTaxVisitor();HolidayTaxVisitorhtv=newHolidayTaxVisitor();System.out.println("Drink price after normal tax: "+d.accept(ntv)+"\n");System.out.println("Drink price after holiday tax: "+d.accept(htv)+"\n");System.out.println("Food price after normal tax: "+f.accept(ntv)+"\n");System.out.println("Food price after holiday tax: "+f.accept(htv)+"\n");System.out.println("Gadget price after normal tax: "+g.accept(ntv)+"\n");System.out.println("Gadget price after holiday tax: "+g.accept(htv)+"\n");}}
The output of the Main class above is the following:
Drink price after normal tax: 1.815
Drink price after holiday tax: 1.75
Food price after normal tax: 3.3275
Food price after holiday tax: 3.225
Gadget price after normal tax: 8.7725
Gadget price after holiday tax: 8.535
Now what if you wanted a different group of operations, not related in any
way to tax calculation? Let’s say you wanted to be able to print out the name of
the class of which an object is instance of. Well, in that case you’d have to
create a new visitor interface, for example NameVisitor, create a concrete
instance, which implements that interface, for example NormalNameVisitor
and add a new accept() method to the Visitable interface.
The idea behind the Factory Method pattern is to be able to decide which
class you want to instantiate dynamically (i.e. at runtime). Basically
you will have a method that will return one of several possible classes that
share a common superclass. The factory method has this name, because
it’s responsible for “manufacturing” an object. This pattern allows you
to encapsulate object creation in a method: the factory method.
The typical implementation uses a single class with a single method (the
factory method) and this method returns an object based on the input passed
as an argument. Which object is it? Well, that depends on the passed parameter.
Let’s say that you have a Fruit superclass that has two subclasses:
Apple and Orange. You want your application to be able to instantiate
each one of the subclasses dynamically, because you don’t know which fruit you’ll
need (it might depend on the user input, for example).
All you’ll have to do is create a FruitFactory class and add a makeFruit()
method to it, which accepts, for example a string and returns a Fruit (note
it returns the generic Fruit object, not a concrete Apple or Orange).
To simplify things, let’s say that to create an apple you pass the “Apple” string
as an argument and to create an orange you use the “Orange” string.
publicclassMain{publicstaticvoidmain(String[]args){Fruitfruit;FruitFactoryfruitFactory=newFruitFactory();fruit=fruitFactory.makeFruit("Apple");System.out.println("The fruit is an "+fruit.getType()+".");fruit=fruitFactory.makeFruit("Orange");System.out.println("The fruit is an "+fruit.getType()+".");}}
The Main class above produces the following output:
The fruit is an Apple.
The fruit is an Orange.
The Strategy pattern lets you define a family of algorithms, encapsulates
each one, and makes them interchangable. It lets the algorithms vary independently
from clients that use it.
This pattern is very useful in cases when you have many hierarchically related
classes that differ only in their behaviour. Strategy allows you to confugure
every induvidual class in the hierarchy with one of the many behaviours.
Another use case for it is when you have many variants of an algorithm.
Now you are asked to create a Bird class, which is also a subclass of the
Animal class. The thing about the Bird class, is that it needs to be able to fly.
You must also keep a common interface for all of the three subclasses, that means
you can’t just add a fly() method to the Bird class, from now on every animal
must print “Can’t fly!” or “Flying!” when the fly() method is invoked on
an Animal object.
So how can we solve this? Well, we surely can just add a “fly()” method to
the abstract class (or implement an interface) and override its behaviour in every
subclass. But this creates several problems:
code duplication.
the change in super class will break the code in subclasses.
implementing an inteface wich only has one method in it is usually a bad approach.
So what can we do to avoid those problems? Well, since all of our classes only
differ in one behaviour (some fly and some don’t) it’s the right time to use
the Strategy pattern!
What we’ll do instead is instead of inheriting the ability to fly, we will
compose the class with objects which have the correct ability built-in (in out
case we will only add one object).
This approach will give us many benefits, for example:
it’s possible to create many types of “flying” without affecting the Animal
class or any of its subclasses (since the “types of flying” are separate classes).
we are decoupling, that means we are encapsulating the behavior that
varies(in our case the behaviour is the ability to fly).
it’s possible to change the ability at runtime. That means we can, for example,
create an object that couldn’t fly before and make it flyable!
What we’ll do is create an interface called Fly, it will only have one method:
fly() (which is the behaviour we want to encapsulate) and then for every
“type of flying” we will create a subclass, each one implementing the Fly
interface (in our case it will be two classes: CanFly and CantFly).
We’ll also have to add a new varibale to the Animal class of type Fly.
Anyways, here is a possible soluition using the Strategy pattern, with
an example of a client application that uses it:
publicabstractclassAnimalimplementsFly{Stringname;Stringsound;FlyflyBehaviour;// new variable!publicAnimal(Stringname,Stringsound){;this.sound=sound;}publicvoidmakeSound(){System.out.println(name+" says: "+sound+".\n");}/* New methods below */publicStringfly(){returnname+": ""\n";}// allow to change the flying ability dynamicallypublicvoidsetFlyingBehaviour(FlyflyBehaviour){this.flyBehaviour=flyBehaviour;}}
publicclassMain{publicstaticvoidmain(String[]args){Animalcat=newCat("Mittens");Animaldog=newDog("Rufus");Animalbird=newBird("Tweetie");System.out.println(;System.out.println(;System.out.println(;// Rufus can fly now!dog.setFlyingBehaviour(newCanFly());System.out.println(;}}
The State pattern allows to modify its behavior when its internal state
changes. The object will also appear to change its class. It actually mimics
the finite state machine: you have different states
and certain actions make you transition from one state to another.
This pattern encapsulates every state into a separate class (all those states
derive from a common class). If you have an object and you completely change
its behavior, it appears that the object changed it class (in reality you will
just be using composition to give the appearance of class change by referencing
different state objects).
The State pattern is a great way to get rid of if statements, but
it usually requires a large amount of extra classes to be created.
Each state has a reference to the object whose state it represents and is able
to change it dynamically (usually through a setter method).
Too keep it simple, consider the following problem:
You have an automatic door with two buttons: open and close.
You have four states:
The transitions between the states are intuitive: for example, if a door is
closed, by pressing the open button, the door will go to the “open” state.
To simplify, you can’t interrupt an opening/closing action(there are no
intermediate DoorOpeningState and DoorClosingState classes).
What you’ll do is create an abstract DoorState class, with two operations:
Then, you will create two subclasses: DoorOpenState, DoorClosedState.
Each one of the states will have a reference to the Door object (passed as
an argument in the constructor) whose state it represents and it will be able
to change its state through the setStateMethod() which will be a part of the
Doors interface.
In this example, the Door class will contain references to every possible
state which will be instantiated when a new Door object is created.
publicclassDoorOpenStateextendsDoorState{publicDoorOpenState(Doordoor){super(door);}publicvoidopen(){System.out.println("Door is already open!\n");}publicvoidclose(){System.out.println("Closing door... New state: DoorClosedState.\n");door.setState(door.DOOR_CLOSED_STATE);}}
publicclassDoorClosedStateextendsDoorState{publicDoorClosedState(Doordoor){super(door);}publicvoidopen(){System.out.println("Opening door... New state: DoorOpen.\n");door.setState(door.DOOR_OPEN_STATE);}publicvoidclose(){System.out.println("Door is already closed!\n");}}
publicclassDoor{publicfinalDoorStateDOOR_OPEN_STATE=newDoorOpenState(this);publicfinalDoorStateDOOR_CLOSED_STATE=newDoorClosedState(this);DoorStatestate;publicDoor(){// initially, the door is closedsetState(DOOR_CLOSED_STATE);}publicvoidopen(){;}publicvoidclose(){state.close();}publicvoidsetState(DoorStatenewState){state=newState;}}
Opening door... New state: DoorOpen.
Closing door... New state: DoorClosedState.
Door is already closed!
Abstract Factory
The Abstract Factory pattern provides an interface for creating families of
related or depended objects without specifying their concrete classes.
The idea if an abstract factory is to define a common interface for a group of
factories, then use those factories to produce objects. It provides an abstract
type for creating a family of products and subclasses of that abstract type
define how those products are produced. To use a specific factory, you’ll have
to instantiate it and pass into some code that is written against the abstract
Factory Method vs Abstract Factory
It’s important to understand the difference between the Abstract Factory and
the Factory Method patterns. While both are really good at decoupling
applications from specific implementations, they do it in different ways.
Both of the patterns create objects, but they do it in a different way:
Factory Method uses classes - the objects are created through
Abstract Factory uses objects - the objects are created through
object composition.
Often the Abstract Factory uses Factory Methods to implement its concrete
factories. The concrete factories use a factory method to create their products
(they are used purely to create products).
Consider the example from the Factory Method section. Well, here we also have
fruit, except that one of the farmers has discovered a new sort of fruit:
the Advanced Fruit. What distinguishes a “normal” Fruit from an
AdvancedFruit? Well, unlike the “normal” Fruit, all AdvancedFruit have
guns and engines!
The farmer in question is only producing AdvancedApple and AdvancedOrange
types of AdvancedFruit, so those are the ones that will be covered in this
What distinguished an AdvancedApple from an AdvancedOrange? Well,
while AdvancedApple has a BlueGun and a V16Engine, the
AdvancedOrange has a RedGun and a V8Engine.
Hmmm… Isn’t that a good place to use the Abstact Factory pattern to
abstract out the specific gun and engine creation? Note, that both, advanced apples
and oranges have guns and engines, except that they are of different types.
We sure can come up with a common abstract interface to produce those pieces of
equipment and then have two specific implementations of those: one for the
advanced apples and one for the advanced oranges.
When defining an abstract interface for out factories we have to question
what makes an AdvancedFruit an AdvancedFruit? Well, it’s the fact
that every AdvancedFruit has an Engine and a Gun.
Out abstract interface only will have to methods: makeEngine() and makeGun()
(we’ll call it the AdvancedFruitFactory). Then in AdvancedAppleFactory and
AdvancedOrangeFactory we’ll make those methods return the correct Engine and
Gun objects.
Now every advanced fruit will receive a concrete factory in its constructor,
because it’s through a method call on the AdvancedFuit object, that
the specific engine and gun will be “given” to it.
publicabstractclassAdvancedFruitBuilding{// Hey, that's the Factory Method! Except now it "protected" and not "public"protectedabstractAdvancedFruitmakeAdvancedFruit(StringtypeOfFruit);publicAdvancedFruitorderAdvancedFruit(StringtypeOfFruit){// First, create the requested AdvcancedFruitAdvancedFruitaf=makeAdvancedFruit(typeOfFruit);// Now, complete each AdvancedFruit with its specific propertiesaf.makeFruit();returnaf;}}
publicclassNaturalAdvancedFruitBuildingextendsAdvancedFruitBuilding{/* A Specific Builder */// Hey! It's a factory method! It's used to create concrete productsprotectedAdvancedFruitmakeAdvancedFruit(StringtypeOfFruit){AdvancedFruitaf=null;if(typeOfFruit=="Apple"){// For Advanced Apples, we will use the AdvancedAppleFactoryAdvancedFruitFactoryaff=newAdvancedAppleFactory();af=newAdvancedApple(aff);}elseif(typeOfFruit=="Orange"){// For Advanced Oranges, we will use the AdvancedOrangeFactoryAdvancedFruitFactoryaff=newAdvancedOrangeFactory();af=newAdvancedOrange(aff);}returnaf;}}
publicinterfaceAdvancedFruitFactory{/* The abstract factory interface */publicEnginemakeEngine();publicGunmaneGun();}
publicclassAdvancedAppleFactoryimplementsAdvancedFruitFactory{/* A specific factory that produces engines and guns for adv. apples */publicEnginemakeEngine(){returnnewV16Engine();}publicGunmaneGun(){returnnewBlueGun();}}
publicclassAdvancedOrangeFactoryimplementsAdvancedFruitFactory{/* A specific factory that produces engines and guns for adv. oranges */publicEnginemakeEngine(){returnnewV8Engine();}publicGunmaneGun(){returnnewRedGun();}}
Name: Generic AdvancedApple Gun: Blue Gun Engine: V16 Engine
Name: Generic AdvancedOrange Gun: Red Gun Engine: V8 Engine
Template Method
The Template Method defines the skeleton of an algorithm in a method,
deferring some steps to the subclasses. This pattern allows the subclasses
to change certain parts of the algorithm without changing the algorithm’s
So let’s say you have a generic algorithm, for example an algorithm for making tea.
The general(abstract) idea is simple:
Boil water.
Put tea bag in cup.
Pour in the boiled water(still hot).
Add condiments.
The general algorithm is simple, however it can vary. Some prefer
tea bags, while others prefer to use loose leafs. Some like to pour
in water at 100ªC, while others prefer it a bit cooler. Some like to add condiments
and some don’t.
So there are variations to the algorithm, but in essence, the algorithm doesn’t
That’s where the Template Method comes in. Basically you define an abstract
template method, and then let the subclasses customize parts of it(or even the
whole algorithm). This customization is obtained using method overriding and
the so called hooks (mehods that return True/False).
Consider two types of cars: SportsCar and CityCar. The generic
algorithm for car creation is the following:
Add chassis.
Add body.
Add wheels.
Add windows.
Add air conditioning.
Add radio.
That’s the general algorithm that all cars follow, the SportsCar however,
doesn’t have air conditioning or radio and it uses a different type of wheels
(sports wheels), while the CityCar uses regular wheels has A/C and radio.
All of the cars must have a chassis, a body and windows.
A possible solution using the Template Method can be found right below:
publicabstractclassCar{// The template method is final, so that the// subclasses can't change the generic algorithm,// they can only customize it.publicfinalvoidmakeCar(){addChassis();addBody();addWheels();addWindows();if(carNeedsAC())// only add A/C if neededaddAC();if(carNeedsRadio())// only add radio if neededaddRadio();}publicvoidaddChassis(){// All cars have the same chassis,// this can't be changed.System.out.println("Adding chassis...\n");}publicvoidaddBody(){System.out.println("Adding body...\n");}publicvoidaddWindows(){System.out.println("Adding windows...\n");}publicvoidaddAC(){System.out.println("Adding A/C...\n");}publicvoidaddRadio(){System.out.println("Adding radio...\n");}// Let specific cars, explicityly specfy the// wheels they want to use.publicabstractvoidaddWheels();// "Hooks" : let the cars costumize if they need// some parts or not.publicabstractbooleancarNeedsAC();publicabstractbooleancarNeedsRadio();}
publicclassMain{publicstaticvoidmain(String[]args){Carsc=newSportsCar();Carcc=newCityCar();System.out.println("Sports Car Production Begin!\n---\n");sc.makeCar();System.out.println("Sports Car Production End!\n---\n");System.out.println("Sports Car Production Begin!\n---\n");cc.makeCar();System.out.println("City Car Production End!\n---\n");}}
The output of the client application is:
Sports Car Production Begin!
Adding chassis...
Adding body...
Adding sports wheels...
Adding windows...
Sports Car Production End!
Sports Car Production Begin!
Adding chassis...
Adding body...
Adding regular wheels...
Adding windows...
Adding A/C...
Adding radio...
City Car Production End!
The template method is declared final because we don’t want the subclasses
to be changing the algorithm.
Have some “hooks” that return booleans, to decide whether we should run a
certain method or not.
Make a method abstract when you want to force the user to override the method.
Create a hook when you want to make a part of your algorithm totally optional.
The Observer pattern defines a one-to-many dependency between objects
so that when one object changes state all of its dependents get notified and
updated automatically.
A good analogy is a newspaper. A newspaper (the Subject) can have zero
or more subscribers (Observers) and every time a new edition comes out
(the newspaper, i.e. the Subject changes), the subscribers receive the new
edition in the mail (i.e. the Observers get notified and updated about that
Consider you have a Subject: a Facebook user. Anyone can subscribe to it
and they receive updates every time the Subject updates its status or
“likes” something.
Of course you could put each “observer” in an infinite loop testing whether
there has been a new status update or a new like, but that would be extremely
uneficient! The Template pattern provides a much more elegant and
resourse-friendly solution.
/* This is the user to whom users "subscribe" */importjava.util.ArrayList;publicclassFacebookUserSubjectimplementsSubject{ArrayList<Observer>observers;Stringstatus;StringlastContentLiked;publicFacebookUserSubject(){observers=newArrayList<Observer>();status="";lastContentLiked="";}publicvoidregisterObserver(Observero){observers.add(o);}publicvoidunregisterObserver(Observero){// get the index of the observerintindex=observers.indexOf(o);// unregister the observerobservers.remove(index);}publicvoidnotifyObservers(){// All of the oservers have the update() method,// that's the one we use to notify them of a change.for(Observero:observers)o.update(status,lastContentLiked);}publicvoidsetStatus(StringnewStatus){status=newStatus;// status has been updated! notify the subscribersnotifyObservers();}publicvoidsetLastLiked(StringnewLike){lastContentLiked=newLike;// last like has been updated! notify the subscribersnotifyObservers();}}
/* This is an Observer. It "subscirbes" to FacebookUserSubjects */publicclassSubscriberimplementsObserver{// Keep track of Subjects stateStringstatus;StringlastContentLiked;publicvoidupdate(Stringstatus,StringlastContentLiked){this.status=status;this.lastContentLiked=lastContentLiked;printSubjectState();}publicvoidprintSubjectState(){System.out.println("Status: "+status+"|**| Last Liked: "+lastContentLiked+"\n");}}
publicclassMain{publicstaticvoidmain(String[]args){FacebookUserSubjectfacebookUser=newFacebookUserSubject();Observero1=newSubscriber();Observero2=newSubscriber();Observero3=newSubscriber();facebookUser.setStatus("First status update!");facebookUser.setLastLiked("FistLike");facebookUser.registerObserver(o1);facebookUser.setStatus("Second status update!");facebookUser.setLastLiked("SecondLike");facebookUser.registerObserver(o2);facebookUser.registerObserver(o3);facebookUser.setStatus("Third status update!");facebookUser.setLastLiked("ThirdLike");facebookUser.unregisterObserver(o1);facebookUser.setStatus("Forth status update!");facebookUser.setLastLiked("ForthLike");facebookUser.unregisterObserver(o2);facebookUser.unregisterObserver(o3);facebookUser.setStatus("Fifth status update!");facebookUser.setLastLiked("FifthLike");}}
The output of the application is as follows:
Status: Second status update!|**| Last Liked: FistLike
Status: Second status update!|**| Last Liked: SecondLike
Status: Third status update!|**| Last Liked: SecondLike
Status: Third status update!|**| Last Liked: SecondLike
Status: Third status update!|**| Last Liked: SecondLike
Status: Third status update!|**| Last Liked: ThirdLike
Status: Third status update!|**| Last Liked: ThirdLike
Status: Third status update!|**| Last Liked: ThirdLike
Status: Forth status update!|**| Last Liked: ThirdLike
Status: Forth status update!|**| Last Liked: ThirdLike
Status: Forth status update!|**| Last Liked: ForthLike
Status: Forth status update!|**| Last Liked: ForthLike
The Decorator design pattern allows you to attach additional responsibilities
to an object dynamically. It provides a flexible alternative to subclassing
for extending functionality.
This is usually a great choice of a pattern whenever you want to be able to
add responsibilities to individual objects dynamically (at runtime) without
affecting other objects. The responsibilities you add can be withdrawn later on,
also dynamically. Sometimes extension by subclassing is simply impractical:
you you might have a large amount of independent extentions and that would
produce an explosion of subclasses and every time you added a new extentsion,
you would have to create another subclass, which only aggravates the problem.
The pattern gives you the capabilities of inheritance, but with functionality
added at runtime.
Let’s say a car dealership is selling a certain model of a car. It’s base price
(for model with no extras) is $100.000, but you can also add extras like
AirConditioning(extra $5.000), Spoiler(extra $3.000) and a custom BodyKit
(extra $15.000).
One way to solve this would to create a subclass for every possible combination,
but that would give you 7 subclasses just for the cars(3! + 1 = 7)!
And what if you wanted to add another extra? You can understand the way this is
This seems like the right place to use the Decorator pattern. We want to
add responsibilities dynamically.
First, we’ll create the Car interface, which is the common interface for
every car and every extra. Then, we’ll create a BasiCar model, which represents
the most basic car, which then will be decorated by extras. All of the
extras derive from the CarDecorator, which, just as the BasicCar, implements
the Car interface. The decorator will store a reference to the object it
decorates. In the decorator’s superclass we want to implement the interface
of the object that that group of decorators will be decorating.
publicclassBasicCarimplementsCar{publicStringgetDescription(){return"Basic Car Model";}publicintgetPrice(){return100000;}}
publicabstractclassCarDecoratorimplementsCar{protectedCarcar;// referrence to the car that is being decoratedpublicCarDecorator(Carcar){;}}
publicclassBodyKitextendsCarDecorator{publicBodyKit(Carcar){super(car);}publicStringgetDescription(){returncar.getDescription()+" + Body Kit";}publicintgetPrice(){returncar.getPrice()+15000;}}
publicclassMain{publicstaticvoidmain(String[]args){Carcar=newBasicCar();System.out.println(car.getDescription()+" |**| Price : "+car.getPrice());// add a Body Kit to the carCarDecoratorbk=newBodyKit(car);System.out.println(bk.getDescription()+" |**| Price : "+bk.getPrice());// add A/C to the carCarDecoratorac=newAC(bk);System.out.println(ac.getDescription()+" |**| Price : "+ac.getPrice());// add a Spoiler to the carCarDecoratorsp=newSpoiler(ac);System.out.println(sp.getDescription()+" |**| Price : "+sp.getPrice());}}
The application outputs:
Basic Car Model |**| Price : 100000
Basic Car Model + Body Kit |**| Price : 115000
Basic Car Model + Body Kit + A/C |**| Price : 120000
Basic Car Model + Body Kit + A/C + Spoiler |**| Price : 123000
Note, that on second and third “decorations” you are actually passing a
CarDecorator and not a BasicCar object, so when you call
getDescription() on one, it calls the getDescription() on another,
until a getDescription() reaches a plain return of a string (here it happens
in the BasicCar class). This is why it’s both, the decorator and the
decorated (the car) must implement a common interface.
The Adapter design pattern converts the interface of a class into another
interface that the client expects. Adapter lets classes work together that
couldn’t otherwise because they have incompatible interfaces.
This is usually the right pattern to go with when you want to use an existing
class without modifying it, but its interface doesn’t match the one that you need.
Adapters in OO are just like adapters in real life. Have you ever needed to use
an electronic device with an US AC plug in Europe? Well, since the European
wall outlet (the client) expects a different “shape” of adapter what do you do?
Change the wall outlet? Of course not! You use an adapter to adapt the US
AC Plug into a Europe AC plug, as shown in the image below (image from
(This is kind of off-topic, but not all European wall outlets looks like that,
in fact I believe I’ve never encountered one that’s of the same shape as in the
image, but they do exist.)
Let’s say that you have a duck simulator application. What does it do? Well,
it simulates ducks by invoking quack() and fly() methods on various ducks.
Everything has been going good, until your users demanded that you include turkeys
from another popular simulator “Turkey Simulator” straight into your game.
The developers of “Turckey Simulator” are willing to share they turkey classes
from they gigantic turkey database with you. That’s great, except for one thing:
all of the turkey classes have a different interface: instead of the quack()
method, they have gobble() and despite the fly() method having the same
name, they don’t really fly the same way as the ducks do. You are certainly
not going to change every class provided by the “Turkey Simulator” team, since
that would take too much time and you would have to do that to every new turkey
added, besides that, to ensure the quality of the turkeys used, they gave you
the permission to use their code, but not modify it.
To solve our problem, we will create a new TurkeyAdapter class, which will
store a reference to the turkey that it is adapting into a duck as well as
implement the same interface as the Duck class is using.
publicclassWildTurkeyimplementsTurkey{publicvoidgobble(){System.out.println("Gobble!");}publicvoidfly(){System.out.println("Flying a short distance.");}}
publicclassMain{publicstaticvoidmain(String[]args){Duckmd=newMallardDuck();Turkeywt=newWildTurkey();System.out.println("Duck\n---");;;System.out.println("---\n");// adapt turkey to the duck's interfaceTurkeyAdapterturkeyAdapter=newTurkeyAdapter(wt);System.out.println("Turkey\n---");;turkeyAdapter.quack();System.out.println("---\n");}}
The application outputs the following:
Flying a short distance.
Flying a short distance.
Flying a short distance.
Flying a short distance.
Flying a short distance.
There are two kind of adapters: class adapter and object adapter.
This text only covered the object adapters. Class adapters aren’t possible
in Java, since they require multiple inheritance.
Object Adapter vs Class Adapter
The only difference between a class and an object adapter is that in the
in class adapters, the Target and the Adaptee are subclassed to create the
Adapter. In object adapters object composition is used to pass the requests
to an adaptee. Below is the class adapter UML.
The Facade pattern provides a unified interface to a set of interfaces in a
subsystem. Facade defines a higher-level interface that makes the subsystem easier
to use.
This pattern also allows you to avoid tight coupling between clients and subsystems,
as well as provides a simple default view of the subsystem that is good enough for
most clients. Only the clients that need more customizability will look beyond the
So in other words, the pattern allows you to take a complex subsystem and make it easier
to use by implementing a Facade class, that provides one, more simple interface.
It not only simplifies an interface, as well as decouples a client from a subsystem of
As an example consider that you have a home theater system installed at your place.
Suppose it consists of a DVD player, a projector, a screen, a sound system and
lighs. Each one of the components is defined in it’s own class:
publicclassDVDPlayer{publicvoidturnOn(){System.out.println("Turning DVD On...");}publicvoidturnOff(){System.out.println("Turning DVD Off...");}publicvoidplay(){System.out.println("Starting movie playback...");}publicvoidstop(){System.out.println("Stopping movie playback...");}}
publicclassSoundSystem{intvolume;publicSoundSystem(intvolume){this.volume=volume;}publicSoundSystem(){this(0);}publicvoidturnOn(){System.out.println("Turning Sound System On...");}publicvoidturnOff(){System.out.println("Turning Sound System Off...");}publicvoidsetVolume(intvalue){if(value>-1)volume=value;elsevolume=0;System.out.println("Volume set to: "+volume);}}
publicclassLights{intintensity;publicLights(intintensity){this.intensity=intensity;}publicLights(){this(0);}publicvoidsetIntensity(intvalue){if(value>-1)intensity=value;elseintensity=0;System.out.println("Intensity set to: "+intensity);}publicvoiddim(intvalue){System.out.println("Dimming the lights...");setIntensity(intensity-value);}}
Okay, now let’s say you want to watch a movie. In order to do that, you have to perform a few tasks:
Turn the screen on
Turn the projector on
Turn the DVD player on
Set the sound to 5
Set the light’s intensity to 1
Start the DVD playback
The code to do that without using the pattern would look something like this:
// Variables are properly initialized beforescreen.turnOn();projector.turnOn();dvdPlayer.turnOn();soundSystem.setVolume(5);lights.setIntensity(1);;
Here are some issues with that approach:
It’s complex
Let’s say you want to reset everything after the movie is over, wouldn’t you have to do everything again, but
in reverse order?
If you decide to change your system, and let’s say put your phone on silence when the movie starts, as well as
set the volume to 7 instead of 5, you’re going to have to change your code in every place you’ve used it
Wouldn’t it be as complex to play a music CD or turn on the radio?
So what can we do here? The complexity of the current approach is evident. Facade pattern to the rescue!
What we’re going to do is create a Facade for our home theater system. To do this, we’ll create a HomeTheaterFacade
class which exposes a few methods such as watchMovie(), stopMovie(), playCD(), etc.
What are going be the contents of those methods? Well, it’s going to be all that complex code that was mentioned above.
Here is a possible implementation:
publicclassHomeTheaterFacade{DVDPlayerdvdPlayer;Lightslights;Projectorprojector;Screenscreen;SoundSystemsoundSystem;publicHomeTheaterFacade(DVDPlayerdvdPlayer,Lightslights,Projectorprojector,Screenscreen,SoundSystemsoundSystem){this.dvdPlayer=dvdPlayer;this.lights=lights;this.projector=projector;this.screen=screen;this.soundSystem=soundSystem;}publicvoidwatchMovie(){System.out.println("Get ready for the movie...");screen.turnOn();projector.turnOn();dvdPlayer.turnOn();soundSystem.setVolume(5);lights.setIntensity(1);;}publicvoidendMovie(){System.out.println("Ending movie playback...");dvdPlayer.stop();lights.setIntensity(5);soundSystem.setVolume(0);dvdPlayer.turnOff();projector.turnOff();screen.turnOff();}// Other methods such as playCD(), ...}
Now to watch a movie all we have to do is call the watchMovie() method on the HomeTheaterFacade object.
The code is now a lot simpler and if we at some point decide to change the steps in any of the methods, the
only place where we need to modify the code is in the HomeTheaterFacade class, since you decoupled your
client implementation from any one subsystem.
Here is how the application that uses HomeTheaterFacade would look like:
Get ready for the movie...
Turning Screen On...
Turning Projector On...
Turning DVD On...
Volume set to: 5
Intensity set to: 1
Starting movie playback...
Ending movie playback...
Stopping movie playback...
Intensity set to: 5
Volume set to: 0
Turning DVD Off...
Turning Projector On...
Turning Screen Off...
Facade vs Adapter
Facades and adapters may wrap multiple classes, but a facade’s intent is to simplify,
while an adapter’s intent is to convert one interface to another.
Addtional Resources
This post was heavily based on the Head First Design Patterns book.
It provides an easy to read and undestand introduction to the topic. I would suggest you reading it if you’re new
to design patterns. It’s also a good book if you need to quickly refreshen some of the concepts.